Update on Chesterfield climate emergency

Chesterfield Borough Council declared a climate emergency in July 2017 and proposed to set up a climate working group who would be tasked with developing a fully costed climate action plan by March 2020 and advising on a realistic date the borough could become climate neutral. The council has taken 3 months to set up the group, who were selected following an application process. The first meeting took place on 23 Oct with about 15-20 members from across the Borough though the list of members has not been made available, even to the members themselves. Transition Chesterfield, Chesterfield Cycle Campaign and Plastic Free Chesterfield all have representation, as well as several councillors, and representatives from UNISON, the hospital, the post office and business. The first meeting comprised presentations from DCC on ‘climate change – a Derbyshire and Chesterfield perspective’,and then in small groups members were asked to discuss their role within the community and priorities for CBC and the borough as a whole.  There are only 3 more meetings scheduled before end of Feb though concern has been raised that this is insufficient time to deliver an action plan.